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Contract Language for Fire Protection Companies

Download a FREE copy of contract language recommendations for your business.


West Bend insures more than 700 fire protection companies in ten Midwestern states. Decades of experience working with fire protection organizations has helped us uncover several important contract provisions that have helped contractors limit exposure to claims.

We recommend that fire suppression and sprinkler contractors place the language included in this free download on all invoices, inspection reports, contracts, work orders, and any other documentation provided to customers.

This free resource from West Bend includes talking points for each topic, as well as sample contract language you can copy and paste into your existing documents. The topics covered are:

  • Referencing the back of documents
  • Limitation of liability
  • Waiver of subrogation
  • Indemnification
  • Warranty disclaimers
  • Customer responsibilities
  • Intent of inspection
  • Contractual limitation periods
  • Law and jurisdiction
  • Severability
  • Integration