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West Bend Mutual Insurance raises $1.15 million for MACC Fund

Posted by West Bend Insurance on Sep 30, 2020 8:53:00 AM

WEST BEND, WI (September 30, 2020) – West Bend Mutual Insurance Company, along with independent insurance agents who represent the company, key business partners, friends, and associates, recently raised $1,150,000 for the MACC Fund, Midwest Athletes Against Childhood Cancer.

Donations were raised at a September 22 event the company hosted at the West Bend Country Club, the Washington County Golf Course, and the Washington County Fair Grounds. This is the eighth time West Bend Mutual Insurance has hosted this biennial event which, to date, has generated more than $3.7 million for the MACC Fund.

West Bend Mutual Insurance President and CEO Kevin Steiner has spearheaded the event for the past 12 years. “’WOW’ is the best way to describe what happened on Tuesday, September 22,” Kevin said. “We had a perfect weather day that set the stage for a record-breaking event. Our goal was to raise $1 million for the MACC Fund and the fight against childhood cancer. Because of the incredible generosity of our agents, business partners, associates, and friends, we exceeded our goal and donated $1,150,000 to the MACC Fund. This is an unbelievable accomplishment! Thanks to everyone who made this possible.”

“As children throughout the Midwest fight cancer and related blood disorders, it’s generous supporters like West Bend and their equally generous agents, business partners, and associates who help bring hope to these kids and their families,” said MACC Fund President and CEO Becky Pinter. “Since its inception just 44 years ago, the MACC Fund has contributed more than 70 million dollars to cancer research and has helped increase the five-year survival rate for all types of childhood cancer from 20% in 1976 to more than 80% today. We are forever grateful to the entire team at West Bend and to their generous friends for rallying together for kids with cancer and blood disorders.”

“The MACC Fund is very special to West Bend,” Steiner continued. “Throughout the past 14 years, our event has grown unbelievably. The money we raise helps doctors, nurses, researchers, and many others find treatments that are more tolerable and safer for children with cancer and blood disorders. And it helps them in their search for a cure. Very little of all money raised for cancer research goes to pediatric cancer research. The MACC Fund is vital because it focuses only on the children.

“I’m so proud of this event for many reasons, but mostly because it gives kids with cancer and their families hope.”

The MACC Fund is a charitable organization founded in 1976 by Jon McGlocklin, former Milwaukee Buck’s player, and former Buck’s announcer Eddie Doucette to support pediatric cancer and related blood disorder research in Wisconsin. Since its inception, the MACC Fund has contributed more than $70 million to this cause. This MACC Fund-supported research in Wisconsin impacts the treatment and cure for children throughout the state, the nation, and the world.

In addition to the MACC Fund, West Bend is proud to sustain its 2020 charitable giving through the West Bend Mutual Insurance Charitable Trust and the Independent Agents’ Fund. Grants were made to organizations that include Feeding America, the Red Cross of Southeast Wisconsin, the United Performing Arts Fund, and the American Heart Association.