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Halloween safety tips

Here are ways to help keep your children safe.

  • Be sure costumes fit right. If they’re too baggy or too long, your child could trip and fall.
  • If the costume has a mask, the eye holes should be big enough so your child’s vision isn’t obstructed. Kids must be able to see adequately, especially when walking in the dark and crossing streets. Keeping masks off when walking from house to house is a good idea.
  • Face paint can be a better option. Just make sure all makeup is removed before they go to bed.
  • Make sure accessories like swords are soft and flexible.
  • Only go to familiar neighborhoods with well-lit streets.
  • Young children should always be accompanied by a trusted adult – parent, grandparent, or guardian. Always walk with them to the door and don’t enter a home unless you know and trust the owner.
  • Older children should trick-or-treat with friends and stick together.
  • If children are trick-or-treating at night, put reflective tape on their costumes, and have them carry flashlights or glow sticks.
  • Consider giving your child a cell phone to carry when trick or treating. Make sure they know your home phone, cell phone, and address so they can call you if you get separated.
  • Teach them how to call 911 if there’s an emergency.
  • To attract attention, tell your children to say “NO!” in a loud voice if someone tries to get them to do something they don’t want to do or they know they shouldn’t do. They should do everything they can to escape, including yelling, hitting, and kicking.
  • Be sure children don’t approach any vehicle, occupied or not, unless you’re with them.