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Estimating vehicle damage just got easier

Part of our Claims Department’s vision is to become a premier claims organization with a focus on delivering the best possible customer experience. In order to do this, we consistently explore different technology to help us operate at the highest possible level.

One of the tools we use to improve customer experience is West Bend Photo Estimate. This tool allows customers with vehicle damage to interact directly with West Bend claims representatives and auto appraisers to quickly process their claims. This technology is relatively new, but it’s already receiving rave reviews! All the process requires is a mobile phone and about 10 minutes of your time.

So, how does this work?

photo estimating pic 2After a claim is made, a West Bend claims representative texts the customer a link to a mobile-friendly website. This website guides the customer through the process of providing information, such as the make and model of the vehicle and uploading photos documenting damage to the vehicle. With the help of artificial intelligence (AI) and heat mapping, the photo estimating tool helps the auto appraiser in writing a repair estimate. If the photo estimating tool receives photos that predict the vehicle may be a total loss, additional photos are requested to document the vehicle’s overall condition. Once the customer has completed the necessary steps, the auto appraiser is notified to review and complete the file. The appraiser then gives the finished estimate, or in some cases, total loss information to the claims representative so they can review and complete the claim with the customer.

Two of the biggest benefits of the process for the customer are convenience and speed. As a customer, you won’t need to visit a repair facility to have your vehicle inspected. You can simply complete the user-friendly online photo estimating process at a time that’s most convenient for you. The elimination of the physical auto inspection and the use of AI speed up this process significantly. Once photos are uploaded, the average time to complete the estimate is just a few hours.

This tool also provides our Claims Department with analytics that we can use to consistently improve. In car-photo-estimating-tooladdition, the use of AI helps the tool to constantly learn and improve its accuracy.

At West Bend, the claims process involves choice. We have technology in place to communicate with customers via text, email, or phone based on personal preferences. Now, we can also offer that same choice when it comes to vehicle inspections.