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How To Prevent Or Reduce Water-Related Losses To Your Home

It doesn't have to rain for days for your home to have water damage. You could discover water problems on a beautiful sunny day! Whether it's an overloaded washing machine, an overflowing toilet, or a leaking water heater, washing machine water damage and cleanup can be devastating and costly.

These are some water damage "instigators" in your home:

  • Water heater. Over time they can rust on the bottom, then begin to leak.
  • Dishwashers, washing machines, and refrigerators. Hoses deteriorate from the inside out. Rubber hoses consist of two layers of rubber with a cloth fiber inside that deteriorates over time.

So what can you do to prevent water damage caused from inside your home?

  • Know where the main water shutoffs are located. Install water shutoff valves on water lines under sinks and toilets and water lines leading to outside faucets.
  • Repair small leaks around water heaters, refrigerators, dishwashers, and other appliances before they become a problem.
  • Know and follow the recommended maintenance procedures for your appliances, such as periodically draining the water heater to clean out the sediment at the bottom of the tank.
  • Check washing machine hoses for signs of deterioration and replace hoses that show any evidence of cracking.
  • Before you leave home for an extended period of time, it's a good idea to shut off the water valve leading to the washing machine.
  • Run plenty of water when using your garbage disposal so it won't clog and cause a leak. Don't wash heavy-duty dirt down drains.
  • Don't put extremely dirty clothes in the washing machine. Instead, use a garden hose on the soiled items outside the house so the dirt doesn't get into the drainage system inside the house.
  • When a problem does occur, hire a reputable contractor.
  • Don't leave the room after you've turned on the water, especially full force in the bathtub or a sink.