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If You've Had A Loss

A loss can be a very traumatic experience. West Bend's mission is to serve our customers and help them through these difficult times. We've compiled a list to help our valued customers after they've sustained a loss.

  • Report your loss promptly. Have your policy number and any other important information ready. Find out what documents and forms you'll need. 
  • Report theft losses to the police immediately. 
  • If your property has been damaged, make necessary temporary repairs to protect it from any additional damage. 
  • Record your damages by making a list. Also record any personal items damaged beyond repair. Local shops, contractors, and catalogs are good sources for current cost information. 
  • Present your list to us. Remember to include information such as purchase date and price, receipts, and photos, as they support the actual cash value or replacement costs of your stolen or damaged items. If your home is too damaged to live in, keep a list of additional living expenses and we will reimburse you for what is covered in your policy. 
  • Save all your receipts. West Bend will pay for any necessary temporary repairs you make.

We know how difficult it can be dealing with a loss, but with a little help from you, we can get you back on your feet in no time.