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How to be a Better Leader

Posted by Megan Ringwell on Jun 3, 2019 2:28:10 PM

LeadershipBeing a leader in your insurance agency is about more than just managing people. There are good days and  bad days. It’s a constant balance and through it all your employees look to you for guidance. It isn’t always easy; a good leader knows that. If you’re looking to improve your leadership skills, we have some tips for you.

One of the biggest and hardest things to do, especially as a leader, is admitting your mistakes. It’s not fun being wrong, but you can’t expect your employees admit their mistakes if you’re unwilling to do the same.

Set an example. As an insurance agent and a leader, all eyes are on you. Your behaviors and the choices you make set the tone for others in the office.

Get to know your employees. Figure out their strengths and weaknesses and let them know you care about their success. Go beyond this and set sales goals to help your employees reach their career aspirations.

Encourage communication. Make sure your employees or co-workers know they can come to you for support or guidance. The last thing you want is to find out an employee is upset or unhappy through word of mouth. Try scheduling monthly one-on-one time with each person in your office to encourage open lines of communication.

Celebrate when milestones are met or goals are reached. But, make sure to not pick favorites. Each milestone or goal, no matter how big or small, is worth celebrating. If a goal is missed, talk about it and figure out where things went wrong.

Invest in your employees. If you're an agency principal, encourage continuing education classes or seminars. Bring in guest speakers or recommend articles to help educate and empower.

Above all, just show you care. Enjoy the opportunity you have as a leader and encourage others in your office to step up and be leaders too. The best leaders want what’s best for employees. People will work harder if they feel respected and appreciated.

Topics: Business, Human Resources, Independent Insurance Agents

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