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How to Create a Referral Program for Chiropractors

Posted by Kristin Bowen on Jul 2, 2019 1:42:20 PM

referral-programWord of mouth is a powerful marketing tool. Nielsen reports that 83% of consumers say they trust recommendations from friends, colleagues, and family about products and services. Take advantage of that trust and amp it up with an official referral program. Here’s how to create one:

  • What will you offer? Think about your audience – what would incent them to share your product or service with someone? It could be a flat fee, a free adjustment at your chiropractic clinic, or a credit on their account.
  • How will you ask people to share it? Make it easy! Create a landing page on your website with all of the details of your referral program. Include a social sharing widget on your website to share on their favorite social media platform. Make it easy so people are more inclined to send business your way.
  • How do you get the word out? In addition to your website, include it in your company newsletter, a mass email, promote it on social media, and post signs in your clinic “Ask us about our referral program.”
  • How will you enroll, track, and reward your referring customers? If your referral program takes off, you could have a lot of work on your hands. Here are some great tools to help with this.

Topics: Risk Management, Sales

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