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Improving Communication at your Architect Firm

Posted by Megan Ringwell on Jun 3, 2019 8:00:00 AM

communicationEffective communication is crucial to building and maintaining a successful and efficient team. Between computers and phones, texting and messaging, sometimes it feels like some messages get lost in the mix. Follow these tips to improve communication in the workplace.

  • Before you speak, listen. Make sure you give you attention to your co-workers when they’re speaking. This will eliminate the need for questions about information already provided and repeat meetings to go over the same topics again and again.

  • Adopt an open-door policy. Leaving doors open allows people to stop in at any time and fosters a more communication-based atmosphere. It also encourages conversation and allows an easy way to collaborate on projects.

  • Have office or team meetings. This is another great way for the architects in your office to get to know each other. Use this time to discuss new projects or share exciting weekend plans.

  • If you’re worried about noise, invest in an office messaging system. This will allow for an open line of communication but will keep things quiet if there are large projects going on.

  • Encourage conversation. Chatting with your co-workers is good; you can bounce ideas off each other and share new concepts.




Topics: Risk Management, Communication

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