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Preventing Grilling Fires in Apartment Buildings

Posted by Kayla Eggert, AINS, ARM on Jun 30, 2021 8:30:00 AM

Nothing says summer like a fresh burger cooked on the grill. However, grills can pose a large fire risk, especially for apartment buildings. On average, 7,900 fires occur every year due to gas grills, and July is the peak month for fires. For owners or managers of apartment buildings, it’s important to make tenants aware of the building’s rules for grills. Many dangerous fires start when grills are used on balconies or patios on an upper level of a building. The fire can then jump to the roof and quickly spread throughout the building. grilling fires

West Bend’s policy states that no grilling, deep frying, or heating operations of any kind can take place on decks, patios, porches, or balconies. Also, any grilling or deep-frying appliances must be used at least 10 feet away from any combustible material, which includes building walls, decks, patios, trees, shrubs, and brush. If a municipality has a stricter rule, 25 feet for example, that rule should be followed.

Fire Prevention Tips

  • Include a section in the lease stating: “Occupants shall not store, grill, or deep fry inside the dwelling unit, on a deck or patio of a dwelling unit, or within 10 feet of any combustible material.”
  • During the summer months, post grill rules in the common spaces of the building to remind tenants.
  • Ensure no grills are stored on balconies, patios, decks, or porches. Grills are often used where they’re stored.
  • If possible, provide a designated grilling area for tenants to use that’s far away from the building and any other combustibles.

Topics: Fire Safety, Facility Maintenance

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