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Inventory Your Home

Inventory your home
Now is a great time to do a project that could save you time, money, and stress if you become victim to a burglary, theft, or vandalism.

Take photos of, or better yet, videotape your household possessions. You can use any kind of camera; the important thing is to make a record of your valuables.

Start at one end of the house and move from room to room taking pictures of the furniture, art, appliances, televisions, VCRs, stereos - anything of value. Then go back and spread other valuables on a bed or floor. This works well for jewelry, clothes, collections, etc. Then move onto the basement and garage for a group shot of other valuables such as tools, garden equipment, sporting equipment, etc.

Have someone help you set up the shots and jot down model and serial numbers as you go. When the photos come back, you can put this pertinent information on the back before storing them. You can orally record the serial numbers as you're video taping.

You should consider renting a safety-deposit box or have a fire proof safe to keep important documents, receipts and pictures, negatives or videotape of your inventory.