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What to do if lightning strikes your home

If you’ve ever had a close encounter with lightning, you know how frightening it can be. I’ve had a couple of close calls in my lifetime...

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Understanding your car’s assist technology and tips for keeping the sensors clean

Technological advancements have made our cars more sophisticated. However, keeping the sensors clean during winter ensures the systems..

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Weather Myths: What you need to know

As the temperatures rise, severe storms start to make headlines nationwide. When I was growing up, I remember the weather myth that you..

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Six tips for getting through the rest of winter

After several months of winter weather, most of us are ready for spring. Cold temperatures and snow have caused accidents and backaches..

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Tips for driving near maintenance or emergency vehicles

No matter what time of the year you’re driving, you’ll likely come upon a vehicle pulled over on the shoulder or moving slowly. It could be..

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Ways to improve your gas mileage this winter

Winter weather can cause many challenges. Snow and ice can make driving difficult. Freezing temperatures can make it dangerous to be..

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When is it too cold to wash your car during winter?

If you live in a cold climate, washing your car during winter can be challenging because perfect days can be few and far between. If it’s..

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Tips to help keep your furnace running efficiently this winter

As we approach colder winter temperatures, ensuring your furnace is ready to keep you and your family warm is essential. Like other..

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Winter driving doesn’t need to be a white-knuckle experience

Those of us in the Midwest face many types of driving conditions during the winter months... rain, sleet, ice, hail, and snow, sometimes..

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Tips for staying warm without turning up the thermostat

As outdoor temperatures get colder, staying warm can be tricky. In the fall, many homeowners may be reluctant to fire up their furnaces..

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Water and sewer backed up – now what?

Have you heard about water backup and sump pump overflow as an optional coverage that can be added to your homeowners policy?

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Tips for staying safe while driving in fog

As we transition from winter to spring, you may encounter fog on your daily commute or while running errands. Fog occurs when Mother Nature..

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