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The surge in water damage claims and how to stay afloat

What are the chances your home will suffer from water damage this year? Water damage insurance claims are some of the most common for..

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Halloween safety tips (infographic)

Check out a few Halloween safety tips in our infographic below. 

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Tips and tools for cleaning up fall leaves

This time of year, trees put on quite a spectacular show. Their leaves, colored in yellow, orange, and red, create impressive scenery...

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How do I know if my electrical outlet needs replacing?

How our outlets function directly affects the delivery of electricity to the appliances and other electronic devices we use. Electrical..

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Navigating the impact on car costs and insurance rates

If you have shopped for a new or used vehicle lately, you have probably noticed that vehicle prices have increased dramatically. The..

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Important tree care tips and insurance implications

Planting a tree in your yard can be beneficial to your family. Not only do trees provide beauty, but they also offer many additional..

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Four benefits of a furnace inspection

At this time of year, many things start to be added to our “To to-do list” to prepare for winter. Raking leaves, cleaning gutters,..

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Optional insurance coverages to consider if you’re buying a car

The excitement of purchasing a new car is a feeling like no other. The shiny exterior, the fresh scent of the interior, the new features,..

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Seven hiking safety tips for beginners

As cooler temperatures settle in, hiking may be on your bucket list for this fall. Hiking is a wonderful way to connect with nature, get..

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Nine tips to make the first day of school easier

In just a few short days, our children’s alarm clocks will be ringing and hectic school schedules will become a part of our routine.

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Safety First: Home improvement projects you shouldn't attempt on your own

Taking on home improvement projects by yourself can be a great way to save money. However, it’s vital to identify which projects are better..

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Essential tips for renting a storage unit like a pro

Whether you’re downsizing, decluttering, or moving your college student into a new apartment, finding the proper storage unit is essential.

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Understanding the impact and aftermath of hail damage

A severe thunderstorm can roll through your neighborhood, bringing lightning and damaging wind, while nearby there could be hail damage...

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Weighing the pros and cons of commuting for the modern college student

Choosing which college or university to attend can take time and effort. So many decisions need to be made. If you or your student plan to..

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Warning signs you need a new roof

An essential part of your home is your roof. Your roof keeps your family and possessions safe from Mother Nature. However, because it can..

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The unexpected encounter: A stray golf ball hits your car

Golf is a sport that has captured the hearts of millions of people around the world. Its multifaceted experience keeps people coming back.. Read More

What to do if lightning strikes your home

If you’ve ever had a close encounter with lightning, you know how frightening it can be. I’ve had a couple of close calls in my lifetime...

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Bug off! Tips for keeping your yard pest-free

If you enjoy spending time in your yard, you know how frustrating it can be when bugs invade it. Annoying mosquitos and other bugs can turn..

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15 safety tips to help you enjoy the Fourth of July

On July 4, 1776, the Declaration of Independence was approved by the Continental Congress. This great document declared our independence..

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When is it time to replace your car battery?

There’s never a convenient time to learn your car battery is dead. Putting your key in the ignition or pushing the button and hearing..

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Tips to help you rent and enjoy a vacation home

No matter where your travels take you, renting a vacation home is an excellent option. Having a home with multiple bedrooms and bathrooms,..

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Understanding insurance coverage for roof damage

Purchasing a home is likely the most significant investment you’ll make. And caring for it is extremely important.

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Tips to get rid of crabgrass, the annoying lawn invader

A healthy lawn offers numerous benefits, such as curb appeal, recreational space, and a habitat for local wildlife. So, when you start to..

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The dangers of bonfires and the risk of using accelerants

It’s a great time of the year to sit around a bonfire with family and friends. Relaxing conversation and delicious s’mores can create..

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Tips to prepare for a home insurance review

Insuring your home is like putting it into a protective bubble. This action secures it against risks and calamities. The insurance policy..

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Tips for protecting your window screens from cat-related damage

If you’re a cat owner, you know how curious and adventurous cats can be. There’s not one day that goes by that my cat doesn’t make me..

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Bike safety tips for commuters, families, and enthusiasts

As nice weather finally approaches, bicycles will be coming out of sheds and down from garage rafters. Whether it be a ride to work, a..

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Essential things to consider when planting a tree

Each year, Arbor Day is celebrated by families and organizations alike. The purpose of Arbor Day is to recognize the important role trees..

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Three ways to avoid having to file home insurance claims

Having home insurance is a necessity, and it comes in handy if you’re faced with unexpected and expensive damage to your house.

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Peekaboo, we see you: Don’t drive and text

Almost every state nationwide has some kind of law on texting while driving. Drivers know texting in the car isn’t safe and can lead to..

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Ride together safely: Essential tips for group motorcycle riding

Riding motorcycles in a group can be an exciting and enjoyable experience. However, careful planning and coordination are essential to..

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Everything you need to know about moving with reptiles

Moving with reptiles, is anything but a walk in the park. After all, there are a lot more regulations and restrictions in place when it..

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Does my insurance cover damage when a contractor wrecks my home?

Homeowner policies have exclusions for faulty or defective workmanship. So the best way to avoid faulty contractors is to protect yourself..

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Does your insurance cover lost luggage?

Traveling with your family is a great way to create memories that’ll last a lifetime. Whether traveling to a new destination or a favorite..

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Golf cart insurance coverage and safety tips

Golf carts have become a popular mode of transportation within gated communities, tourist destinations, and campgrounds. They often share..

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Understanding your homeowners deductible

Are you confused by the term deductible? A deductible on a homeowners, condo, or renters policy is important as it helps policyholders..

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The importance of your car’s engine coolant

If your car’s coolant temperature warning light goes on, will you know what it is? Or does it even matter if it goes on during winter or..

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Important things to consider when finishing your basement

If you want to add some additional living space to your existing home, finishing your basement is a great way to do so. If you recently..

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Understanding your car’s assist technology and tips for keeping the sensors clean

Technological advancements have made our cars more sophisticated. However, keeping the sensors clean during winter ensures the systems..

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Tips for getting organized in the new year

With a new year comes exciting new challenges and adventures. Starting off as organized as possible will help set the tone for your..

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Benefits of having a home generator

Has your power ever gone out during a storm? Did you wonder how long it would be out and worry about your food staying cold or your home..

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Tips for being a good neighbor this winter

No matter where you live in the United States, winter weather impacts everyone. From continuous clouds and rain in the west to cooler..

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Seven healthy habits to teach your children

Children are both sponges and mirrors. They soak up and reflect what they see and hear. And this is particularly true when it comes to..

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Protect your family from the dangers of radon gas

If you’ve purchased a new home recently, you may be familiar with the dangers of radon gas. If not, January is Radon Awareness Month.

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Home improvement projects you can take on this winter

You might think the warmer seasons are the only time to take on home improvement projects, but there are a lot of things you can do this..

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Six tips to teach your kids gratitude this holiday season

The holiday season can be overwhelming and demanding. It can also be filled with high expectations. Children, young and old, are busy..

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A condominium insurance policy explained

Whether you’re buying your first home, looking to downsize, or retiring somewhere else, understanding condominium insurance coverage is..

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Ten tips to handle the holiday hustle and bustle

Isn’t this time of year supposed to be fun and relaxing? Instead, for many of us, it’s very hectic. On top of what’s going on in our work..

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Tips for preventing a Thanksgiving Day fire in your home

Thanksgiving is an excellent opportunity to enjoy time with family and friends. However, cluttered countertops, multiple cooking stations,..

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Deer hits and increased repair time, what you need to know

Unfortunately for many people, this time of year is the peak for deer and auto collisions. If you’re wondering why, it’s because the mating..

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Preventing distracted driving when pets are in the vehicle

Pets are a big part of many families. More than 63 million households own a dog. Because they’re considered part of the family, they often..

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Winterizing your outside faucets and hoses and why it’s important

When the weather starts to cool down, it’s time to start preparing for winter. Important and easily forgettable jobs are draining and..

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Distracted Driving and Halloween Safety

Soon, kids in costumes will be roaming neighborhoods on a mission to fill their bags with goodies. Excitement about Halloween can cause..

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Tips for safely backing up your car

As the amount of daylight decreases, it’s vital that we adjust our driving habits. Driving in darkness can make routine driving maneuvers..

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Fire prevention tips that can save lives!

October is Fire Prevention Month. Every year in the United States, about 2,600 people die in residential fires. One of the leading causes..

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Tips for protecting your property this fall

With high inflation and supply chain delays, it’s more important now than ever to make sure your home and property are kept up-to-date and..

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Don’t stop taking care of your lawn this fall

Fall has officially arrived! Now’s the best time of year to give your lawn some TLC. Unfortunately, summer heat, drought, weeds, disease,..

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Tips for preventing dorm room theft

A lot of planning and work goes into getting your college student off to school. And no matter what, something always gets left behind.

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Money management tips when moving to a new city

Finances are top of mind for many people these days. If you’re planning to move into a new home in a new city, it’s important to have a..

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What you need to know about insuring your camper

Camping is a great way to spend time with family and friends. There are also several benefits associated with camping, including:  Read More

Tips for sharing the road with school buses

It’s hard to believe September is right around the corner! Where has the summer gone? If big, yellow school buses drive through your..

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How to introduce a new dog to your home with existing pets

If you're considering adding a new dog to your family, it's essential to consider how the transition will go for your existing pets. Many..

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How marriage impacts insurance coverage

If your child is getting married, you know how much time, effort, and money are involved in wedding planning. From invites to menu..

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Five precautions to consider before choosing your window coverings

When choosing new window coverings for your home, picking the most aesthetically attractive choice can be tempting. With so many different..

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Nine tips to save on back-to-school clothing and supplies

It’s hard to believe summer has gone by so quickly. The back-to-school ads are in full swing, and families are making their yearly trek to..

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Benefits and tips for building a shed

Sheds have grown in popularity over the years. Not only are they great for storing personal belongings if you run out of space in your..

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Throwing good money away on inexperienced or fraudulent contractors

Whether a contractor is hired for maintenance, renovations, or to repair damage from a covered claim, turning a home into the hands of an..

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ATV/UTV Rider Safety Tips

Recreational vehicles are becoming increasingly popular. With a variety of makes and models, it makes it easier to find the perfect one for..

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Ten safety tips to enjoy summer with your pet

With warmer temperatures upon us, more time is spent outdoors with our pets. If you walk or drive through your neighborhood, more than..

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Wedding guest etiquette tips

If you’re a bit unfamiliar and plan to attend a wedding this year, here’s some etiquette information to consider.

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How to stay productive when working from home with pets

As the years go by, more and more people are working from home, whether full-time or simply a few days a week. And while it's great to not..

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Gardening safety

Gardening is one of the best ways to exercise and enjoy the outdoors. Many studies have shown gardening can reduce stress, strengthen your..

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Protect you and your family from tick bites

For my friends and family, camping is a favorite pastime during the summer months. Every weekend brings a new adventure at a different..

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What to know about safely driving near semi-trucks

With current supply chain deficits, now it’s more important than ever to drive cautiously and respectfully, especially near semi-trucks. In..

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Navigating the claims process

The last several years have been challenging for individuals and businesses alike. The COVID-19 pandemic, volatile weather events, supply..

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As a motorist, do you understand biking laws?

Bicycling is growing in popularity, especially since e-bikes have arrived on the scene. Bicycling is easier on your joints than other more..

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Inflation and the cost of insurance

If you haven't walked through your local building supply store or tried to hire a contractor in the last two years, then you're in for..

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Graduation etiquette tips

If you’re planning a high school or college graduation party this year, it’s not a small task. There’s a ton of things to do to get ready..

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Protect yourself from unwanted costs associated with condo or homeowner’s associations

If you live in a condo or a home with a homeowner’s association (HOA), your insurance policy may offer you coverage for loss assessment...

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Eleven simple tips for using your lawn mower safely

While operating a lawn mower is a common task this time of year, it can be dangerous. Flying debris, moving and hot parts, and errors in..

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National Car Care Month inspection recommendations

Did you know April is National Car Care Month? Freezing temperatures, potholes, and road salt can create problems for your car. So, after a..

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Weather Myths: What you need to know

As the temperatures rise, severe storms start to make headlines nationwide. When I was growing up, I remember the weather myth that you..

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How baby boomers can save money and enjoy their golden years

Born between WWII and the mid-1960s, the baby boomer makes up 21.9% of the U.S. population. Just after the war ended, there was a notable..

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Spring cleaning tips for your medicine cabinet

Have you ever reached for something in your medicine cabinet only to find it’s expired? I recently grabbed an ointment only to learn it..

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Watch out for that pothole! 5 tips to avoid them

Extreme weather conditions can cause potholes to rear their ugly heads. Traveling to work or the grocery store, you know exactly where..

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Tree pruning tips

With the snow cover starting to disappear, you may be thinking about what projects you need to do in your yard this spring. One of those..

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Cleaning tips for after a home remodeling project

Whether you just finished a home remodeling project or you’re looking to start one, you know there are many things to consider. Cost,..

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Six tips for getting through the rest of winter

After several months of winter weather, most of us are ready for spring. Cold temperatures and snow have caused accidents and backaches..

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Tips for driving near maintenance or emergency vehicles

No matter what time of the year you’re driving, you’ll likely come upon a vehicle pulled over on the shoulder or moving slowly. It could be..

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Ways to improve your gas mileage this winter

Winter weather can cause many challenges. Snow and ice can make driving difficult. Freezing temperatures can make it dangerous to be..

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Watch out for winter home damage

Buying a home is probably the biggest purchase you’ll make. Your home is also the place where you’ll make the most memories. But the work..

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When is it too cold to wash your car during winter?

If you live in a cold climate, washing your car during winter can be challenging because perfect days can be few and far between. If it’s..

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Ways to stay safe while living alone

There are plenty of pros and cons to living alone. But one of the cons should never be safety. Some areas of the country are more dangerous..

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Tips for buying and using remote car starters

Getting into a cold car can be uncomfortable. In addition, howling winds and blowing snow can make driving your car stressful. Fortunately,..

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Advantages of installing a USB electrical outlet

Has anyone visiting your home ever asked, “Do you have a USB so I can charge my phone?” Or is your family constantly bickering about who..

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Tips for taking down and disposing of your Christmas tree

If you put up a live Christmas tree this year, I’m sure you’re enjoying its beauty and fragrant smell. However, once the holiday is over,..

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Common holiday accidents and insurance coverage

The holiday season is in full swing. Decorating trees, baking cookies, and wrapping presents are some of the traditions we enjoy...

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Tips to help keep your furnace running efficiently this winter

As we approach colder winter temperatures, ensuring your furnace is ready to keep you and your family warm is essential. Like other..

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Winter driving doesn’t need to be a white-knuckle experience

Those of us in the Midwest face many types of driving conditions during the winter months... rain, sleet, ice, hail, and snow, sometimes..

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Stay safe with these Christmas light safety tips

Since my dad was an electrician, I have a decent understanding of how electricity works. However, every year when I put up and plug in my..

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Is it time to replace your holiday lights?

Decorative outdoor lights for Halloween have become popular. Each year, I notice more lights and elaborate displays in my neighborhood...

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Tips for keeping your tires properly inflated this winter

As colder temperatures settle in, you may notice a warning light on your car’s dashboard. While there are many warning lights to pay..

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Thinking about buying a home warranty? Here’s what you need to know!

In a nutshell, a home warranty is a policy a homeowner can purchase to cover the cost of repairing or replacing many home appliances or..

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Tips for staying warm without turning up the thermostat

As outdoor temperatures get colder, staying warm can be tricky. In the fall, many homeowners may be reluctant to fire up their furnaces..

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Tips for keeping rodents out of your gutters and downspouts

Have you ever seen a chipmunk crawl out of your home’s downspout? It's happened to me before. While I know it’s crucial to keep downspouts..

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Easy ways to deal with foul plumbing odors

Have you ever noticed a revolting smell in your kitchen or bathroom? Surprisingly, some of the foul smells can be traced back to plumbing..

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Hoarding and fire safety

Did you know October is Fire Prevention Month? The purpose of this observance is to raise awareness and share fire safety tips that can..

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Insurance coverage for damage caused by pets

If you have pets, you understand the benefits they bring to you and your family. Their inquisitiveness, unconditional love, and playfulness..

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Tips for cleaning your home’s gutters this fall

Depending on the number of trees around your home, fallen leaves can make cleaning your gutters a dreaded task. Slimy, dirty, compacted..

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Tips to avoid hitting a deer while riding your motorcycle

Fall is a beautiful time to ride a motorcycle. Each year, Mother Nature works her magic changing the leaves, leading to spectacular views...

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Healthy Homes: Expert analysis and tips for homeowners

When considering how to best keep you and your loved ones healthy at home, there are many different aspects that come into play. Coupled..

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Important forms to complete before your college student departs home

There’s a lot to discuss before sending your college student off to school. Numerous conversations are needed about the necessities of life..

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Eight signs you’re an aggressive driver

Many people have a mental image of an ideal driving experience. You know, those roll-your-windows-down and feel-the-air-on-your-face kind..

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Tips for sharing expenses with roommates

Whether you’re in college or you’re moving out on your own, living with roommates is a great way to share expenses and save money. However,..

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What to know before sending your student to college with a car

If you’re sending your child off to college, one of your discussion topics may be whether their car is going with them. Depending on where..

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Feeling safe and protected in your home is priceless

Home protection devices and certain types of home construction help you feel safe and secure in your home and prevent the stress and..

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Things to be aware of if your car overheats

If you’re going, or have gone, on a family road trip, you know there are many things that need to be done to make sure your car is in good..

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Twenty-one cleaning tips every pet owner should know

Your pets are much-loved members of your family, but a tribe of furry friends can make it hard work to keep your home clean and odor-free.

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Insurance coverage for solar panels

Solar panels have been gaining popularity and are a great way to save some extra money. The Solar Action Alliance has listed seven reasons..

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Optimizing your home safety

Burglars, injuries, health hazards, and natural disasters are just a few of the possible threats that could compromise the safety of your..

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Protect yourself from these common Fourth of July claims

The Fourth of July is my favorite holiday because it means getting together with family and friends. Independence Day celebrations often..

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How to build a grill and barbecue station in your backyard

Love to entertain and cook outside? Then, it’s no surprise you’re a barbecue and grill fan. It doesn’t matter if it’s a summertime party or..

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Ten things to consider when buying a boat

Are you thinking about buying a boat? For many, buying a boat is a dream come true. Days spent fishing, tubing, or just cruising with..

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Nine things to do when building a fence

With the official start of summer near, you may be reviewing your “to do” list to start prioritizing your home projects. If putting up a..

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The three most common fishing accidents and how to avoid them

Fishing is a hobby we turn to, to get away from the craziness of life. Out on the water, it’s peaceful, quiet, and seems like a whole..

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What you need to know about the Kidde smoke-carbon monoxide alarm recall

If you own a home or rent an apartment, there may be a safety device that gets overlooked. That device is a smoke alarm. They’re mounted on..

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The dangers of drowsy driving

Few things are as bad as driving while intoxicated. Driving drowsy happens to be one of them. Drowsy drivers are impaired drivers, and that..

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Are you in the market for buying a Travel Trailer?

Since the start of the worldwide pandemic, sales of travel trailers set records. Unfortunately, many buyers purchased units without knowing..

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Signs your deck may need repair or replacement

If you have a deck, you know how harsh Mother Nature can be. Hot sun, pouring rain, ice, and snow take their toll. A newly painted or..

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Six red flags to watch for when buying a house

Home buyers are often overwhelmed with many different thoughts and emotions when house hunting that they often tend to overlook certain..

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Water and sewer backed up – now what?

Have you heard about water backup and sump pump overflow as an optional coverage that can be added to your homeowners policy?

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Tips to prepare yourself and your pets for a natural disaster

Natural disasters can strike at a moment’s notice. A typical day can be turned upside down by severe weather causing damage and destruction..

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The connection between life stages and life insurance

Disclaimer: West Bend does not write life or health insurance. However, we thought this blog provides our audience with valuable..

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Smells that may indicate your car needs a checkup

If you have kids, there’s no telling how many different smells can be in your car. While they have no problem bringing things into the car,..

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Four ways to prevent your basement from flooding

Basement flooding might seem like an afterthought or something that won’t occur anytime soon. However, once it does, it leaves a barrage of..

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Tips for staying safe while driving in fog

As we transition from winter to spring, you may encounter fog on your daily commute or while running errands. Fog occurs when Mother Nature..

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Six actionable tips for seniors planning to take a long drive

According to statistics from the Federal Highway Administration, about 29 million Americans of the age 70 years or more are licensed..

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Tips to keep drywall dust at a minimum during home remodeling

If you’ve remodeled your home, you know how messy drywall dust can be. Clouds of fine dust can linger in your home and cause cleanup to..

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Does your insurance cover damage to your vehicle while you’re making deliveries with it?

If you use your personal vehicle for deliveries, will you get a generous tip or a substantial bill for your damaged vehicle?

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Understanding insurance coverage while working from home

The change in how we do business across the nation and the world, has allowed for businesses run out of private homes to become a..

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Tips for staying alive if you fall through thin ice

If you live on or near a lake, you know how much fun you can have participating in winter activities. Ice skating, fishing, and..

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Tips for handling frozen pipes

Have you ever come home to the sound of running water or wet floors? If so, you know this can cause a frantic situation. What you do next..

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Smart thermostat benefits and tips

If you’re making home improvements this winter, you may want to consider adding a smart thermostat to your list. While smart thermostats..

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Reasons to use a humidifier in your home this winter

Winter provides a variety of fun activities to enjoy with your family and friends. However, winter also causes some challenges. One of them..

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Five key estate planning tools

If you’re like most adults in the U.S., you probably haven’t taken steps to create an estate plan. That assumption is based on a survey..

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Enjoy sledding this winter by staying safe

Sledding with friends and family is a great way to enjoy the outdoors. Not to mention, walking up the hill after an exhilarating ride down..

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Teen winter driving tips and insurance

Unfortunately, every year when the first snowfall arrives, it’s common to see cars sliding through intersections or into ditches. It seems..

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Five ways to have a dog and a clean home

In family debates over whether to get a dog, one of the most frequently referenced drawbacks of canine companions is the mess they create...

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Seven tips to prevent package theft

Online shopping has increased significantly. UPS, Fed EX, and Amazon trucks drive through my neighborhood regularly. With holiday shopping,..

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How to safely set up an aquarium

Kids love having their very own pet fish to care for, and betta fish are a popular, easy-care choice. But for your family’s new pet to stay..

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Snow blower buying and safety tips

Buying your first snow blower can be overwhelming. There are many models to choose from all with varying features. To make your decision..

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Home improvement projects and insurance coverage

Owning a home comes with both responsibilities and rewards. So before buying, you must do your homework to ensure the home fits your budget..

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Tips for successfully moving your pets into a new home

Moving into a new home can be stressful and exciting. There are so many decisions and tasks that need to be completed to prepare for moving..

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Understanding how your personal property is covered by homeowners insurance

We all have personal property and want to protect it in case of loss. But many people don’t understand how it’s covered by their homeowners..

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Top financial scams targeting seniors

Imagine your surprise when you get a call from an IRS representative saying that you owe money, and you’ll go to jail if you don’t pay up...

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Six tips to protect your property this Halloween

In a few weeks, it's possible that a scary visitor will show up on your front doorstep looking for a treat. While trick-or-treating has..

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Reasons to upgrade your electric panel

Have you ever used a new appliance and had the whole house experience a blackout? If you've been living in the same home for years,..

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Winterizing Your In-Ground Pool

A beautiful in-ground pool can create hours of fun with family and friends. It’s critically important, however, to properly winterize the..

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Pressure washing tips to keep your property sparkling clean

If you’re growing mold and mildew on your home’s siding, now’s a good time to clean it. If you’ve never done this before, you may not know..

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Will customizing your car make your wallet go up in flames?

Whether you plan to do a custom paint job or add a major modification like a supercharger, customizing your car can have insurance..

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Five signs your home may be unsafe

If you live in an older home, chances are some things may not be working as well as they used to. In some cases, problems in your home can..

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Tips for staining or painting your deck

Keeping your deck looking nice is a tough job. Mother Nature throws a lot of different weather elements at it. As an owner of a cedar deck,..

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Things to consider when choosing an in-home daycare

The first five years of a child’s development provide a good foundation for long-term academic and social benefits so choosing a quality..

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Tips for cleaning your car and keeping it germ free

For my wife, keeping our cars clean has always been a priority. While she likes a shiny car on the outside, she’s more focused on keeping..

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Understanding insurance policy endorsements

While West Bend designs our home and auto insurance forms to be coverage rich, we do practice restraint in automatically including bells..

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When is your hobby considered a business?

With busy lifestyles, it’s often hard to find free time for ourselves. Sometimes, however, we need to purposefully schedule relaxing time..

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Making Time for Your Family While Working From Home

For some, remote working sounds like the perfect work arrangement. You get flexible work hours, escape the office hullabaloo, and have more..

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What to expect with an interior home inspection

If you’re purchasing a new homeowner’s insurance policy, the insurance company will want to inspect your home. They do this to make sure..

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What are roof ventilation issues?

Owning a house makes you realize the significance of ventilation. Improper ventilation in the bathroom can lead to an incessant war with..

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Critical boating safety tips

If you own a boat, now’s the time to start having fun in the sun. If you’re thinking about buying one, there are many benefits to..

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Tips to hit the open road in an RV

Taking a road trip in an RV is a great way for families to spend quality time together during the summer. With the COVID-19 pandemic,..

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How parents can help their teens develop safe driving habits

Learning how to drive is a major milestone in a teenager’s life, symbolizing expanded independence and widened opportunities. While parents..

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Technology to help you train your dog

If you love technology, and you have a new dog that needs training, these two things can go perfectly with the number of gadgets that are..

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Lightning safety tips

A severe thunderstorm has many damaging and life-threatening perils, such as wind, hail, and lightning. Lightning strikes the United States..

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Four smart ways to save dollars on your home’s remodeling costs

This year, many homeowners will start a home remodeling project of some kind. Whether you’re tearing down your kitchen and starting from..

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Get the most out of your grill by cleaning it regularly

For some, Memorial Day is considered the unofficial start of the grilling season. However, if you’re like me, you enjoy grilling out..

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Stay safe while digging in your yard

If the spring weather has motivated you to do some DIY projects in your yard, it’s best to think through your project before jumping into..

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Important home safety tips for older adults

Buying a home is probably the biggest purchase you’ll make in your lifetime. Once the purchase is made, it doesn’t end there. Maintaining a..

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Five yard care tips to improve your home’s value

First impressions are everything, especially when itcomes to your home. And if you’re looking to increase your home’s value, it’s likely..

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Tips for your first motorcycle ride of the season

When the first nice spring day arrives, you may be inclined to pull off the cover, jump on, and go for a ride. However, before you do that,..

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Umbrella coverage – Do you need it?

Do you know what umbrella coverage is? Like an umbrella that covers your head to protect you from the rain, an umbrella policy extends..

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Get your lawn mower in tip-top shape this spring

As the arrival of warmer weather gets closer each day, you’re probably starting to think about yard work and outdoor projects you want to..

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Don’t let unwanted water in your basement turn into a costly mess

While spring showers bring May flowers, they can also bring unwanted water into your basement or cause water backups through your sewers or..

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Underground Service Line Coverage

If you own a home, you know that if something breaks or fails, it can cause unexpected and devastating expenses. Underground lines that..

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What are the common causes of water damage?

Life isn’t possible without water. But for all its life-giving benefits, water can also be a destructive force of nature. If you rank all..

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Three things people wish they knew before buying a home

The majority of homeowners will tell you that the homebuying process is exhausting but also quite exhilarating at the same time. They’ll..

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Tips for saving money while traveling

Traveling, whether it’s for work or leisure, can be pricey. When going on vacation with friends or family or visiting a business client,..

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Tips for taking care of your jewelry

Whether you’re newly engaged, celebrating a milestone anniversary, or the recipient of a Valentine’s day gift, insuring and caring for your..

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Protect your property and yourself with these snow shoveling tips

Whether you’re a homeowner, landlord, or renter, shoveling snow may be a chore you don’t enjoy. However, it's often unavoidable in areas..

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Tips to protect your car from winter damage

Burr, it’s cold outside. If you live in a cold and snowy area, your car might look a bit rough by now. Freezing temperatures, road salt,..

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Cyberbullying: what is it and who is most at risk?

Believe it or not, one in three middle-school and high school students has been bullied over the last few years. As if this wasn’t bad..

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Common winter sports injuries and prevention tips

Every year, people enjoy activities that only winter can offer. Activities include skiing, skating, sledding, snowmobiling, and many more...

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Snowmobile safety tips for all experience levels

Snowmobiling is a thrilling and fun hobby to enjoy during the winter season. It’s a great way to satisfy your need for speed and enjoy the..

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Winter tires offer huge benefits

If you dislike winter driving, or worse, it creates significant anxiety whenever you hear a big snowstorm is about to hit, you’re not..

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Tips for surviving winter weather watches, advisories, and warnings

Living in an area that experiences cold and snow this time of year may feel like a routine nuisance. Drive times increase as well as our..

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Unexpected benefits of getting a pet for your child

If you’re reading this blog, chances are your child has asked you for a pet, or your family is considering getting one. 

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Winter driving tips for new teen drivers

Letting your new teen driver navigate the roadways alone for the first time is one of the scariest things you’ll do as a parent. Compound..

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Taking care of your drains doesn’t have to be draining [Infographic]

Homeowners already have packed home maintenance checklists. Understandably, “taking care of drains” is far down on the to-do list. For the..

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Helpful apps that every pet lover needs

With technology being at the forefront of most people’s lives now, it’s no surprise that a large number of apps have been developed to..

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Five new ideas you can use to keep your carpet clean

Sometimes when you’re cleaning your house, you need a few new ideas to keep yourself motivated. If you find the thrill of trying out a new..

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