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Benefits of having a home generator

Posted by Scott Stueber, CPCU, CISR, AAI on Jan 24, 2023 9:29:44 AM

Benefits of a generatorHas your power ever gone out during a storm? Did you wonder how long it would be out and worry about your food staying cold or your home staying at a comfortable temperature? If so, I will share some benefits of having a backup generator to prevent these worries and keep you at ease if your home loses power. 

There are two common types of generators, portable and whole home/standby generators. Both are very beneficial if the power goes out. Here’s how:

Portable Generator 

  • It provides power in an instant, regardless of where you are (camping, for instance).
  • It can easily power, lights, appliances, televisions, and computers.
  • You can keep your sump pump running to prevent water in your basement.

Whole Home Generator 

  • It can easily power major appliances, including your HVAC, sump pump, garage doors, air conditioner, water heaters, and alarm systems.
  • It can provide power for as long as necessary. Unlike portable generators that must be filled with gas every few hours, home generators connect to your home’s existing gas line.
  • Turns on quickly with just the flip of a switch.

These benefits may be evident to someone who’s experienced an extended outage. Many of us, though, have never been without power for days at a time. Bad things can happen without the power to operate necessary appliances and equipment. Your sump pump can stop running, and water could collect in your basement, especially if the storm brings significant rainfall. If humidity levels are high and your air conditioner isn’t running, mold can form. And of course, the food in your refrigerator and freezer can thaw and spoil. If an outage occurs in the cold winter months, your pipes can freeze and burst if you go without heat for too long. These are just a few examples of the destructive things that could happen to your home if there’s no power for an extended period. 

There are many different brands of generators that vary in price, so it’s a good idea to research to determine which one fits your specific needs. Being without power for hours is one thing, but being without power for days can be detrimental, leaving you with a flooded basement and spoiled food in the summer or no heat and frozen pipes in the winter. Be proactive and get ahead of the storm by purchasing a generator for your home. The best time to install one is before you need one.

And remember, once you do, let your insurance agent know because you could qualify for a discount on your homeowners insurance! 

Do you have any suggestions or information you’d like to share? I’d love to hear from you. Please share them in the box below.

This blog was written by Kelsey Stoffel, senior Personal Lines underwriter.

Topics: Home Safety

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