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Preparing your fitness center for new members

Posted by Kayla Eggert, AINS, ARM on Dec 7, 2022 8:30:00 AM

The new year is fast approaching; before we know it the holidays will be over, and it’ll be January. For fitness centers, athletic clubs, and YMCAs, the new year means an influx of new members looking to start new fitness routines and get in shape. These new members may not be familiar with the facility, how to use the equipment, or how to sign up for classes. It’s a good idea for fitness facilities to take some time to prepare for these new members to ensure they have safe and positive experiences. prepping for new members

Facility planning for new members

Prepare for new members before they even get into the building. Evaluate the parking lot setup and snow and ice removal procedures. It’s especially important to be sure entrances and doorways are clear of snow and ice and have high-quality mats for patrons to wipe their feet on when they arrive. Once inside the facility, ensure that locker rooms are clearly identified and that locker room rules, such as no recording or taking photos, are clearly posted. Staff members should regularly walk through locker rooms to ensure that rules are being followed and there are no issues.

Provide an orientation for all new members so they know how to use all the equipment and how to keep themselves safe while exercising. Also make sure the orientation includes any information members need to sign up for classes or any other facility amenities. Throughout the first few months of the year, increase the number of staff members walking through the facility, especially during busy hours. It’s important to have staff members available to address any questions or concerns from new members as well as to correct any improper use of equipment. With a little planning, fitness centers can ensure the new year rush goes smoothly and keep new members safe.

Topics: Fitness, YMCA

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