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Facility Video Monitoring

Reality Alert: A member at a local community organization presents a manager with medical bills, demanding the organization pay them. The member claims to have slipped and fallen in their lobby and is seriously injured, as evidenced by their large stack of medical bills.

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Staff Contact with Program Participants

Reality Alert: A staff member at a local YMCA was asked to babysit one of the children in their after school programs on the weekend. Seeing no issue with this, the staff member agreed. This turned into a weekly babysitting arrangement.

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Proper Blood Clean Up

Exposure to potentially hazardous blood is a very real concern for anyone working in a youth-focused or community-based organization. When a child gets a bloody nose or someone stubs their toe on the diving board you might be asked to clean it up.

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Responding to an Asthma Attack

Real Life Asthma Attacks: A teacher had to rush to the aid of a child after noticing he was lying down on the playground. After attending to the child she noticed he was breathing very heavily and was unable to speak.

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