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Ways to improve your gas mileage this winter

Winter weather can cause many challenges. Snow and ice can make driving difficult. Freezing temperatures can make it dangerous to be..

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When is it too cold to wash your car during winter?

If you live in a cold climate, washing your car during winter can be challenging because perfect days can be few and far between. If it’s..

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Tips for buying and using remote car starters

Getting into a cold car can be uncomfortable. In addition, howling winds and blowing snow can make driving your car stressful. Fortunately,..

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Winter driving doesn’t need to be a white-knuckle experience

Those of us in the Midwest face many types of driving conditions during the winter months... rain, sleet, ice, hail, and snow, sometimes..

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Tips for keeping your tires properly inflated this winter

As colder temperatures settle in, you may notice a warning light on your car’s dashboard. While there are many warning lights to pay..

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Eight signs you’re an aggressive driver

Many people have a mental image of an ideal driving experience. You know, those roll-your-windows-down and feel-the-air-on-your-face kind..

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Things to be aware of if your car overheats

If you’re going, or have gone, on a family road trip, you know there are many things that need to be done to make sure your car is in good..

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The dangers of drowsy driving

Few things are as bad as driving while intoxicated. Driving drowsy happens to be one of them. Drowsy drivers are impaired drivers, and that..

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Are you in the market for buying a Travel Trailer?

Since the start of the worldwide pandemic, sales of travel trailers set records. Unfortunately, many buyers purchased units without knowing..

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Smells that may indicate your car needs a checkup

If you have kids, there’s no telling how many different smells can be in your car. While they have no problem bringing things into the car,..

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Tips for staying safe while driving in fog

As we transition from winter to spring, you may encounter fog on your daily commute or while running errands. Fog occurs when Mother Nature..

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Six actionable tips for seniors planning to take a long drive

According to statistics from the Federal Highway Administration, about 29 million Americans of the age 70 years or more are licensed..

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