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Prevent frozen pipes during winter business closures (infographic)

Does your organization close for a week or two during the winter months? Many schools, childcare centers, and community buildings close..

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Childproofing your childcare facility

As a childcare provider, keeping kids safe is the most important part of your job. Sometimes it can be easy to overlook smaller things like..

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Winter slip and fall resources

Winter is fast approaching, and in many parts of the country that means that soon the temperatures will drop and everything will be covered..

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Weighted sleep sacks in childcare centers

Childcare providers often require parents to provide sleep items, like swaddles, pacifiers, and sleep sacks, for infants. Companies create..

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Essential building maintenance tips for a seamless transition to fall

As the fall colors fade, commercial building owners and facility managers find themselves amid another seasonal transition. While the start..

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Trucking safety: hood opening and closing

Opening the hood of a semi-truck is a fundamental task during routine maintenance and troubleshooting. However, the process requires that..

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Preventing fitness instructor burnout and injuries

Employers across many different industries need help finding and hiring enough employees. The hiring crunch affects everyone, from..

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Common cybersecurity threats and how to protect your business

October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month. More than ever, businesses are relying on technology and using online platforms for many..

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Hypoxic blackout: are your lifeguards prepared?

Organizations with swimming pools must be aware of hypoxic blackout which is an emergency that occurs when a swimmer hyperventilates and..

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Cybersecurity: removable media and USB devices

While assessing cybersecurity risks for your organization, have you considered removable media? Removable media, like USB devices, are an..

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Apple orchard and farm safety

Heading out to the pumpkin patch or apple orchard is a standard fall tradition for families. Many farm businesses rely on the seasonal..

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Should your volunteers sign a waiver?

Many organizations use volunteers in some capacity throughout the year. Whether it’s for a few larger fundraising events or ongoing in..

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Trucking safety: opening and closing trailer doors (video)

On highways across the country, tractor trailers carry loads of all kinds of items to different places. Once a truck has arrived at its..

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Onsite investigation tips for Workers' Compensation claims

A successful workers’ compensation claim begins with a thorough investigation of the accident or injury. A great investigation requires a..

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Back to school: childcare tracking procedures

The new school year is coming up quickly and childcare centers are working on plans to start the year off on a good note. Along with..

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Using fire extinguishers (infographic)

When using a fire extinguisher to try and put out a fire, it's important to put your safety first. Check out our infographic below for tips..

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Food safety: storing food at the correct temperature

Following a recent wedding in Iowa, the bride became suspicious when her husband was sick the day after their event. She also heard from..

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Managing trees on your business's property

If you own any commercial property, you’re likely responsible for keeping the trees on your property in good condition. This may seem like..

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Trucking safety: operating landing gear (video)

Using their truck’s landing gear to pick up and drop off trailers is an important part of a truck driver’s job. This can sometimes be a..

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Aquatics: keeping lifeguards hydrated and healthy

Lifeguards are a critical component of pool safety. During the summer months, lifeguards working outdoors are exposed to conditions that..

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Welding workstations and hot work safety

Many manufacturing facilities use welding and hot work in their operations. Hot work includes welding, cutting, brazing and soldering, and..

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Preventing accidents at work by staying awake and alert

All employees have lives outside of their workplaces that can result in them not getting enough sleep. Children or other family..

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Trucking equipment entry and exit: three points of contact tips (video)

The process of entering and exiting the truck cab is a common and essential part of a truck driver’s day. Something that’s done this often..

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Children and tick bites: preventing tickborne illnesses

Organizations that provide summer care for school-aged children often spend a lot of time outdoors, including camps where almost the entire..

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Childcare safety: child tracking procedures

A recent news story detailed how a toddler escaped a childcare facility and wandered out onto a busy street. Luckily, a passing driver saw..

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Hiring and training summer camp staff

Every summer thousands of children who are out of school attend summer day camps. Hosted by many child-focused organizations like YMCAs or..

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Non-monetary ways to keep employees engaged

The past few years have affected professionals in various ways, including how much they engage in their jobs. Engagement among adult..

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Food safety and sanitation

When we think of food safety and preventing foodborne illnesses, restaurants and grocery stores often come to mind. While food safety is..

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Trench safety for spring construction projects

Construction projects are picking up again after the winter months and many contractors are looking for new employees in a tight job..

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Cybersecurity: TOAD attacks

Chances are, as a business owner, you’re aware of many different cybersecurity issues. Ransomware, phishing attacks, and the importance of..

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Fire door maintenance

Commercial building owners typically have a schedule and routine for maintaining their building’s sprinkler system and fire extinguishers...

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Tips for hiring reputable contractors to repair your property after a storm

Storm season is fast approaching and unfortunately, severe weather can cause serious property damage for business owners. Once cleanup has..

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Miscellaneous tools and equipment coverage

Under Inland Marine policies there’s a coverage category available for miscellaneous tools and equipment. It’s often used for such things..

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Preparing your organization for youth spring sports programs

In the spring, many youth-serving organizations begin to offer new and additional sports programs for children. Parents are eager to sign..

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The importance of obtaining a license for your childcare facility

There are many things to consider when deciding to open a childcare facility. Childcare is in extremely high demand, so it makes sense that..

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Working alone: employee safety while solo on the job

There are many different occupations where employees work alone. The American Society of Safety Professionals, or ASSP, recommends defining..

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Basic insurance definitions you should know when starting a business

There are many steps to starting a business; it can take years for an aspiring business owner to get everything in order to open their..

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Preventing wandering and elopement in nursing homes

There are many different challenges when taking care of elderly patients in nursing homes or assisted living facilities. Ensuring residents..

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Understanding insurance building limits (video)

Imagine a worst-case scenario for your business, maybe a catastrophic fire or a roof collapse. You’re forced to rebuild, almost from the..

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Childcare ratios: best practices to keep children safe

A vital part of a quality childcare environment is child-to-staff ratios. These ratios, or the number of children who can be cared for by..

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Sauna safety and supervision

Typically, you’ll find a sauna or two in any fitness center or YMCA-type organization. Located in the locker rooms or on the pool deck,..

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Construction equipment tracking and maintenance

One challenge facing every contractor is keeping track of tools and equipment. With many jobsites, different types and brands of equipment,..

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Business Income insurance coverage (video)

Imagine what would happen if your organization had to shut down for an extended period due to property damage from a fire. Luckily, with..

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Cybersecurity: Employee social media use

As a small business owner, you’ve done your due diligence regarding cybersecurity at your organization. You’ve updated your devices and..

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Facility maintenance: wet, slippery winter floors

During these colder months, many parts of the country are buried in snow and ice. Even in warmer regions, this time of year can bring lots..

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Employee handbooks: how to protect your small business

Most bigger businesses and organizations have large human resources departments and utilize many resources to ensure they have best..

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Aquatics: identifying zones of protection in your pool

Is your pool divided into zones of protection? This term refers to different areas of the pool assigned to a lifeguard. Zones make it..

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Who are the most distracted drivers on the road?

A new survey by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety identified the groups of drivers most likely to be distracted while behind the..

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Preparing your fitness center for new members

The new year is fast approaching; before we know it the holidays will be over, and it’ll be January. For fitness centers, athletic clubs,..

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Construction projects in the winter: keeping jobsites and employees safe

The colder winter months bring unique challenges to contractors trying to continue their construction projects. Snow, wind, and ice can..

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Winter preparation tips for property managers

Winter is fast approaching and that means additional winter preparation for property managers. Winter brings about a host of new potential..

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Policy spotlight: Employment Practices Liability Insurance

In the last couple of decades, workplace conduct standards have changed for the better. Employees have the protection of federal and state..

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Inflation and property insurance

Inflation has certainly become a buzzword as of late, and specifically within the insurance industry. If you’ve purchased anything during..

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Aquatics: the importance of in-service training

In addition to requiring all lifeguards to be trained and certified, an important part of a safe pool environment is requiring lifeguards..

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Preventing abuse in childcare facilities: hiring and retaining quality employees

Stories and videos of children being abused in childcare facilities show up in the news almost every day. Many facilities are monitored by..

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Preventing needlestick injuries to healthcare workers

Employees who work in residential care, assisted living facilities, hospitals, or clinics are at an increased risk of needlestick injuries...

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The importance of contractual risk transfer in claims

Besides a good insurance policy, an effective way to reduce exposure to loss or financial uncertainty is contractual risk transfer...

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New hard hat technology: protecting workers from concussions

Did you know that most hard hats worn today are using technology from the 1960s? Hard hats are essential equipment for many types of..

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Hazard communication training: keeping employees engaged and safe

Any employee who handles or uses hazardous substances, like industrial cleaners, pool chemicals, and more, needs proper training on how to..

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Returning to the office: proper ergonomics

At the height of the pandemic, many offices shut down and sent workers home to work remotely. In the years that followed, businesses slowly..

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Aquatics: lifeguard platform safety information

When thinking about essential lifeguard equipment, a rescue tube, first aid supplies, and whistle may come to mind. But another very..

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Fall festival safety tips

When the weather turns cooler after the hot summer, many organizations plan fall festivals to celebrate the season. These events often..

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Policy spotlight: Cyber Suite insurance

Stories about cyber security and companies getting hacked are a constant in the news cycle. Both small and large businesses are at risk of..

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Recent law aims to prevent infant deaths

A law passed earlier this summer attempts to keep young infants safer while sleeping. The law bans the sale and manufacturing of different..

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Apartment turnover tips for property managers

The later summer and early fall months can be busy for property managers. Many units have new residents moving in and other unit leases are..

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Vacation driving safety tips (infographic)

Summer vacations are a tradition for many families. With a little preparation, you can make your summer drive safer for you and other..

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Facility supervision at fitness centers and YMCAs

Running a fitness center, YMCA, YWCA, or similar type of facility can be quite a challenge. With multiple areas, such as weight rooms,..

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Signs of distracted driving (new video)

We know distracted driving is dangerous and unfortunately all too common. Everyone has an obligation to do their best to minimize..

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Weather considerations for summer special events

During the summer months there are many outdoor special events, such as concerts, festivals, fairs, and parades, just to name a few. It..

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Driving safely through construction work zones

Warm summer weather results in many road construction projects that can’t be completed during colder weather. For commercial drivers, this..

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Workers' Comp spotlight: gait belts

Gait belts are critical pieces of equipment in many residential and medical facilities. A gait belt is a device that’s used to prevent..

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Vehicular hyperthermia: how to prevent summer tragedies

Last month, in Tennessee, a one-year-old died after being left in a vehicle at his daycare center for more than six hours. A staff member..

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Childcare summer routines: keeping kids healthy and safe

Summer break will be here soon and typically this means an influx of school-aged children in childcare programs. It also means a lot more..

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Top 10 most cited OSHA standards in food manufacturing

When considering regulatory agencies that impact the food industry, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) might not be..

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Workers' Comp spotlight: forklift safety

Forklifts are common in many manufacturing, construction, and warehousing businesses. They are an essential tool for moving heavy items;..

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YMCA insurance coverages

YMCAs, YWCAs, and other community organizations provide invaluable services to their communities. These facilities are often a main..

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How a hybrid workplace can attract the best talent

There’s no disputing that the world of work has changed. In the face of a lingering global pandemic, employee engagement has declined from..

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Sports and leisure insurance coverages

Businesses that provide sports and leisure activities can be found in most communities. These businesses include amusement centers, sports..

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Fire prevention on construction sites

Spring is here and that means the construction season is in full swing. After pandemic-related delays, this season is shaping up to be very..

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Special events insurance coverages

You’re part of a group organizing a summer festival. Throughout many meetings your group decides on musical entertainment, food trucks, and..

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Workers' Comp Spotlight: Early-Return-to-Work

Despite all your organization’s safety efforts, an employee gets hurt while on the job. Luckily, you have Workers’ Compensation insurance..

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Managing Product Liability Risk

Defective products can cause serious injuries and property damage. Some product liability lawsuits settle for billions of dollars. No..

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A Small Business Guide to Safely Managing Hazardous Waste

As a small business owner, you have a lot on your plate, and managing hazardous waste just might be one of those obligations. You need to..

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Safe Driving Smartphone Apps

Our phones are with us wherever we go; most of us would be lost without them. While smartphones can pose hazards to drivers by being a..

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Cybersecurity: Working Remotely and Utilizing Public WiFi

One of the many long-lasting impacts from the COVID-19 pandemic has been employees working in places other than office buildings. In the..

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Workers' Comp Spotlight: Prompt Claims Reporting

West Bend’s Workers’ Compensation Claims department is dedicated to helping our policyholders reduce rising medical and disability costs...

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Surge Protection

Business owners want to keep their buildings and equipment safe from damage. Extra precautions are often taken for crime and incidental..

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New Employee Health and Safety Orientation

Many organizations are hiring a lot of new employees this year. Growth after a pandemic slump and increased demand for goods and services..

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Product Recall: Compass Health Adult Bedrails

The Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) has issued a recall for adult bedrails after reports of three deaths. Bedrails are often used..

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Worker's Comp Spotlight: Good Housekeeping Webinar

Imagine this scenario: A water fountain at a local fitness center starts slowly leaking. Staff members don’t notice or just simply walk..

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Safe Winter Outdoor Play for Children

In many places throughout the country, winter brings snow and ice. Even in areas that don’t get much snow, cold winter temperatures bring..

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Counterfeit UL Symbols

Everyone probably recognizes the Underwriters Laboratory or UL symbol. It appears on many products, from Christmas lights to fire doors,..

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Workers' Comp Spotlight: Eyewash Station & Loading Dock Safety Podcasts

Two recent episodes of our Safety Bytes podcast highlight some important issues that are often overlooked in many workplaces. Episode 108,..

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Dust Collectors: Preventing Fires and Explosions

Dust is an inevitable part of the woodworking process. While messy and frustrating at times, did you know that dust can also be very..

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Seven Tips to Keep Your Business Safe

A safe work environment for you and your employees is crucial in running a business. Let’s start with the basics. Knowing the hazards in a..

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Understanding Your Fire Suppression System

According to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), there’s a new structure fire every 63 seconds. Many commercial buildings are..

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Winter Heating Safety

During the cold weather months alternative heating sources, such as fireplaces, space heaters, and wood stoves are used in many ways to..

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Workers' Comp Spotlight: Hearing Conservation Program Webinar

If your work environment is noisy, it’s very important to protect your employees’ hearing. Even a moderate amount of noise over a long..

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How Employee Appreciation Influences Business Success

Your customers may be the heart of your business, but your employees are its soul. Gone are the days when a generous salary and robust..

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Workers' Comp Spotlight: Stair and Ladder Safety Podcasts

Slips, trips, and falls are some of the most common causes of workers’ compensation injuries across all industries. The resulting claims..

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Pool Maintenance and Safety (Downloadable Checklist)

Indoor and outdoor pools are often the most popular areas of a YMCA and other community organizations. With lap swimming, children’s swim..

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Cybersecurity: Keeping Devices Safe with Software Updates

A recent iPhone software update made headline news because it patched a very serious security flaw. It was discovered hackers could..

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Workers' Comp Spotlight: Contractor Safety Meetings Webinar

Safety meetings and staff training sessions are critical for teaching employees important skills they need to stay safe on the job. Safety..

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Are Your Buildings Properly Insured for Today's Market?

As a business owner, it’s important to realize the cost of building materials and trends in the construction industry to properly assess..

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Fleet Management: Driver Qualification Files

Organizations regulated by the Department of Transportation (DOT) are required to maintain driver qualification (DQ) files for all their..

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Protecting Your Employees with a Hazard Communication Program

A wide variety of organizations deal with hazardous chemicals. From a YMCA handling pool chemicals to an auto body shop utilizing spray..

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Workers' Comp Spotlight: Safety Issues on the Road

Employees who drive for a living encounter a few unique issues in their work environment, America’s roadways. Anyone who’s been on a long..

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Stovetop Fires: Common, Dangerous, and Expensive

We spend so much time cooking meals on our stoves that it can be easy to forget the temperatures are high enough to quickly start a fire...

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Equipment Recalls: STIHL and Guardian

Two recently released recalls include equipment manufactured by STIHL and Guardian. Anyone using these pieces of equipment should stop..

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Jumping Pillow Safety Tips

Inflatable jumping pillows are popular attractions for kids at campgrounds and summer camps. Installed in the ground with turf or sand..

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Workers' Comp Spotlight: Driver Health and Wellness Webinar

Driving a truck for a living can take a toll on a person’s health. Based on a survey of commercial truck drivers, they were twice as likely..

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Playground Safety (Downloadable Checklist)

A broken arm from falling off monkey bars. A laceration requiring stitches from a broken bottle. A concussion from being knocked over by a..

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Cybersecurity: Defending Your Business Against Ransomware Attacks

Ransomware attacks have made headline news this year. An attack against a large US pipeline created gasoline shortages all along the east..

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Preventing Grilling Fires in Apartment Buildings

Nothing says summer like a fresh burger cooked on the grill. However, grills can pose a large fire risk, especially for apartment..

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Workers' Comp Spotlight: Ergonomics Podcasts

A key component of worker safety is ergonomics, defined as “an applied science of designing and arranging things people use so the people..

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Infrared Thermography: Protecting Your Electrical System

Did you know there’s a simple maintenance plan you can implement to prevent expensive and potentially dangerous problems with your..

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Protect Your Business by Planning for Natural Disasters

The summer months are upon us, and along with blue skies and sunshine, summer also brings severe weather. Tornados, severe thunderstorms,..

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Childcare Safety Checklist

Childcare providers have a lot of different tasks to juggle every day. Caring for children, planning activities and field trips, and..

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Transporting Passengers: Pick-up and Drop-off Safety Considerations

Drivers who transport clients or patients for organizations like assisted living facilities, childcare centers, or adult day care centers..

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Motor Vehicle Records: Hiring Safe Drivers

A youth sports organization hires a driver to transport children from the facility to different locations in the city for games. The routes..

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Workers' Comp Spotlight: Kitchen Ergonomics

Restaurant and other kitchen workers face a challenging work environment. Standing for long periods of time, lifting heavy pots and food..

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Cybersecurity: Crisis Communication after a Security Breach

As a business owner, you’ve spent a good amount of time developing protocols to keep your customers’ data safe. Strong passwords, security..

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Child Abuse Prevention Month

Since 1983 April has been designated as Child Abuse Prevention Month, highlighting an important issue for our country. This is a great time..

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Employee Mental Health

As a manager or owner of a business, it’s important to consider your employees’ mental health. “How are you doing?” is a very simple..

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Roof Maintenance and Preventing Collapse

Many people in the Midwest remember when the roof of the Metrodome, football stadium for the Minnesota Vikings, collapsed in 2016. The..

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Reasons to Contact Your Insurance Agent

Imagine this scenario, you’re in the middle of your workday, managing the operations at a small organization. One of your employees comes..

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Workers' Comp Spotlight: Distracted Driving Webinar

Distracted driving is without a doubt one of the most challenging problems facing companies that employ drivers for any reason. Most of the..

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Safe Sports Equipment Padding

During a walkthrough of a brand-new, large community center, one of our loss control reps noticed something about the gym. The entire..

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Cooking Equipment: Hood and Duct Maintenance

One of the most critical safety measures for any organization that does commercial cooking is making sure the hood and duct system covering..

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Protecting Your Organization: Understanding Negligent Entrustment

We experienced many changes in 2020, among them the ability to get much more delivered to our homes. Many restaurants and bars shifted..

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Workers' Comp Spotlight: Effective Safety Committees Webinar

Have you ever wondered how a safety committee could benefit your organization? Or maybe, you have a safety committee already established..

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A Small Business Guide to Weathering the Winter Months

For small businesses, the cold winter months can present serious challenges to keeping their doors open. For businesses operating in parts..

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Safely Transporting Children: Guidelines for Childcare Providers

It’s a new year and many childcare centers are enrolling new children, developing new routines, and often transporting many children to and..

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New Year, New Fitness Goals, New Injuries?

While ringing in 2021 certainly looked different than any other year, people are still making new goals and resolutions. Many of these new..

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Working from Home for the Long Haul: Tips and Tricks

It’s the end of 2020, and by now many of us have been working from home for most of the year. Who knew in January what a crazy year this..

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Winter Break: Safety Tips for Your Childcare Center

Many childcare centers close for a week or two around the holidays, giving staff and children a much-needed break to spend time with their..

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Workers' Comp Spotlight: Preventing Winter Slip and Falls Webinar

Winter is here. If snow and ice haven’t started accumulating at your organization, they’ll certainly make an appearance sometime in the..

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Cybersecurity: Strong Passwords and Data Security

Any business owner knows that cybersecurity is crucial for keeping company and customer data safe. You don’t have to look far for news..

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Workers' Comp Spotlight: Claims Best Practices Webinar

Most companies focus much of their efforts on preventing employee injuries by developing a strong safety culture. This is very important,..

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Safe Backing and Mirror Adjustment for Large Vehicles

It should come as no surprise that some of our most frequent auto claims here at West Bend are claims for damage caused by backing..

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Online Safety for Children

With many schools utilizing virtual instruction this year, kids are spending more time than ever online. Many organizations like YMCAs and..

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Workers' Comp Spotlight: Transitional Return to Work Program Webinar

If an employee is injured at work and cannot return to his/her own job right away, sometimes the employee can do another job or part of..

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School Bus Safety and Supervision

When children go back to school, they often spend a lot of time on school busses. In addition to transportation to and from school, youth..

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Can You Beat this Drowning Simulator?

Many people think that if someone is drowning, it will be extremely obvious. Lots of splashing, screaming for help, and arm waving. But..

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A Little-Known Winter Hazard

A post from Katrina Luetkebuenger, a West Bend Loss Control Representative: There are many risks to consider with winter driving. I didn’t..

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Benefits of Dashboard Cameras for Your Fleet

Companies with large fleets of vehicles, from large semi-trucks to smaller vans, are always looking for ways to make their fleets safer...

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Severe Storm Knocks Out Power for Days

We spend all winter looking forward to long, sunny days. Then finally summer arrives, bringing some beautiful weather. But summer also can..

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Lifeguarding: How Old is Too Old?

A West Bend loss control representative was asked by the aquatics director for one of our customers if we had a policy on the maximum age..

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The Best Winter Safety Tip You Might Not Know

West Bend's claims adjusters handle an unbelievable number of slip and fall injuries for our customers each winter. And this isn't..

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Three Trends in Child Abuse Scandals

An ex-Boy Scout camp director andYMCA water safety instructor accusedof filming and distributing child pornography entered a guilty plea..

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Camper Loses Her Life in Tragic Zipline Accident

In 2015 at a summer camp in North Carolina, a12-year-old girl fell more than 40 feetto her death when a tether attaching her to the..

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Abuse of Young Athlete Swept Under the Rug

A storycame to lightabout abuse in youth sports. A young figure skater accused an older skater of abuse. The abuser’s coaches and others..

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5 Avoidable Deaths at the Indiana State Fair

A large concert stage collapsed under the pressure of 70mph winds at the Indiana State Fair a few years ago. Reports have indicated that at..

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Drowning Tragedy at YMCA Pool

A talented swimmeron the Dartmouth College swim team was exercising in a Florida YMCA pool while on vacation with his family. After a..

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Choosing the Right Childcare: Understanding State Licensing Reports

Sadly, we continue to hear stories about childcare providers abusing or neglecting children all the time. Parents searching for childcare..

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Bounce Houses: Growing in Popularity and Injuries

Take a kid to a party with a bounce house and chances are you won’t see them for long. Most kids are thrilled to jump and flip in these..

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Pool Safety: Starting Blocks

One of our loss control experts was at a YMCA pool and a swimmer was up on a starting block getting ready to jump into the pool. Suddenly..

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Choosing the Right Childcare: Staff Ratios

Maintaining staff-to-child ratios is a very important part of a high-quality childcare environment. In fact, the number of children allowed..

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Fatal Allergic Reactions

Atragedy at a preschool in New York City made headlines across the country. A three-year-old with a known dairy allergy was fed a grilled..

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Workers' Comp Spotlight: Work Comp 101 Webinar

While businesses often spend significant amounts of money on workers’ compensation insurance, the ins and outs of how work comp works can..

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Keeping Pools Safe with Swim Tests

Too often here at West Bend we receive frightening near-drowning claims. These claims can result in serious injury and many times the..

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Life Jackets in Pools?

Once warm weather finally hits, families and children head to pools and lakes to cool down. Swimming is a standard summer activity but many..

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Accommodating Children with Disabilities

One of our loss control representatives was asked about including children with disabilities in camp activities. This organization had..

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Pumpkin Patch Safety

A news story about a child at a pumpkin farm caught our attention here at West Bend.The child suffered a medical emergency and passed out...

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Protective Sports Equipment

Fall sports are ramping up as the weather cools down. Football and lacrosse seasons are starting; even some baseball and softball teams are..

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Missed Childcare Red Flags

There are many stories in the news about abuse at childcare facilities.Unfortunately, a story from Texas stands out as especially..

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Swimmer Saves Rival from Drowning

At ahigh school swim meetin Michigan, Xavier Staubs had just finished the last leg of a relay race. He noticed one of his rivals, Kamrin..

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Unsafe Sleep Practices and Tragedies in Childcare

A childcare provider inColorado was sentencedto 10 years in prison after an infant died in her care. She had put the child down for a nap..

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Toxic Chemicals and Children

A recent claim caught the attention of one of our loss control reps. A child in a drop-in daycare facility went into the bathroom to get..

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Camera Placed by Employee Captures Illicit Images

An employee at an aquatics centerwas arrested after a camerawas found in the changing area for lifeguards at the facility. Upon further..

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Huge Verdict for Family in Drowning Lawsuit

Arecord-breaking verdictwas recently handed down in an Illinoiscivil lawsuit involving the drowning death ofsix-year-old Michal Duda. A..

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Emergency Exits and Evacuation Routes

Imagine a scenario that could happen at any community organization. A fire caused by an old electrical panelstarts in a maintenance room...

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Fire at Childcare Facility Prompts Community Action

A devastating tragedy has prompted a community in Pennsylvania to act to keep children safer while in childcare facilities. In August 2019,..

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Do Not Resuscitate Orders at the Gym

Imagine an elderly member came into your organization with an advanced directive stating that in the event of an emergency, they don't want..

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Photos and Children-What Should an Organization Do?

One of our loss control experts reported an interesting situation at a facility with a swimming pool. After taking photos of their children..

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Private Personal Training at the YMCA?

One of our loss control experts received a question that many YMCAs and larger fitness facilities face. Employees at this YMCA noticed some..

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Planning Safe Field Trips

As a childcare provider, field trips were both my worst nightmare and one of my favorite activities. The stress and anxiety of planning and..

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Do I Have to Let that Dog in Here?

A client walks into a community organization with a large dog. The dog doesn’t have a vest or badge identifying it as a service animal and..

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Tracking Lifeguard Certifications

If you are a lifeguard supervisor or manager, this probably sounds familiar. You supervise a group of lifeguards; some stay with you all..

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Step Ladder Safety Tips

Step ladders are one of the most commonly-used pieces of equipment in many businesses. Check any supply or maintenance closet and you’ll..

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Three-wheeled cart accident leads to large loss claim

Employee safety is a top priority. Improper disposal of materials, narrow aisles, and poor lighting are all things that can play a factor..

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Construction Worker Injured Jumping Down into Trench

One of the last things you want as a business owner is for your employees to get hurt. Often, workplace accidents can be avoided by..

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Business Theft During an Office Move

Your business is important to us so, we provide coverages tailored its unique needs. Learn how some of these coverages come into play in..

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Prevent Losses with These Stair Safety Tips

An in-home care coordinator was leaving an apartment complex following an appointment with a client. While descending the front steps, the..

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Warehouse Organization Tips to Increase Inventory Accuracy

Does your warehouse struggle with inventory upkeep? Or, have there been times when product has been misplaced due to lack of organization?..

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Ladder Safety in the Workplace

Workplace safety is top of mind for employers. Keeping employees safe and preventing workers’ compensation injuries that affect your bottom..

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Food Manufacturer – Large Work Comp Loss and Lessons Learned

No employers want to see their employees suffer a traumatic injury while on the job. Let’s take a look at this real-life work comp claim..

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Workplace Injuries: Avoidable Large Loss Slip and Fall Claim

Workplace accidents happen, but many may be avoided by implementing preventive safety measures. We’re sharing this real-life, large loss..

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Manufacturer's E&O Coverage

As a manufacturing, machine shop, or metalworking operation, there may come a day when the material used to make your product is faulty or..

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Recognizing the psychological effects of work comp injuries

A claims department functions because of loss to property, an accident, or an injury due to legal liability, misfortune, negligence, or..

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Cleaning Chemicals: How to Protect Employees and Reduce Exposure

Many essential employees are working hard to keep grocery stores, delivery services, and takeout food services available to the public...

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Metal Fabrication and Machine Shop Safety

Several severe injuries recently occurred in metal fabrication operations and machine shops insured by West Bend. These accidents resulted..

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Parking Lot Safety

A major concern of any retail business is accidents in the parking lot. The accidents can be vehicle-to-vehicle, vehicle-to-building/..

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Managing Slip and Fall Accidents In Stores

It’s very important that your store has a sound policy in place to keep aisles clear and dry.

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Beware of Combustible Dust

According to OSHA, since 1980, almost 150 workers have been killed and more than 850 injured due to combustible dust explosions.

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Making an Impact: The Opioid Epidemic

According to the National Council on Compensation Insurance (NCCI), on average, prescription drug costs make up 13-14% of an overall..

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Equipment Breakdown Results in Spoiled Vaccines

Our business program was designed to help tailor your insurance coverage to the unique needs of your business. Equipment Breakdown coverage..

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Distribution Center Driver Injured After Forgetting to Engage Parking Brake

You provide a valuable service for your customers that requires a large investment in your machinery, your employees, and your office..

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Plastics Manufacturer Large Loss and Lessons Learned

As a manager or business owner, it’s horrible to watch an employee suffer a workers’ compensation injury. Sharing real-life claims like..

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